Ongoing Projects


The Enchanced X-Ray Timing and Polarimetry-eXTP

“The enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission – eXTP” is an X-ray satellite project which could detect the most interesting and violent explosions emitted by the celestial bodies (black holes, neutron stars, gamma-ray bursts) in the universe, capable of exploring the physics behind these bodies in spectral, temporal and polarimetric terms. The international consortium behind eXTP includes the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Universities, the European Space Agency and other large institutions within international partners. 

Turkey will contribute to the Wide Field Monitor (WFM) under European Space Agency, in coordination with Sabancı University and TUBİTAK SPACE, and develop the application of the system. 
Turkish Space Agency supports these institutions in the implementation of the project and acts as the funder of the Project from Turkey. 

Turkish engineers and scientists shall participate in the eXTP satellite project scientifically and technically, the capabilities of eXTP shall be introduced to all the scientists working in the field of high-energy physics in Turkey and these scientists will be provided with the opportunity of benefiting from the satellite in their own research.